Thyroid Health
The thyroid is an important butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck, below your Adam’s apple. The thyroid has two side lobes, connected by a bridge (isthmus) in the middle.
Your thyroid has many important functions including keeping your metabolism running and in balance. Your thyroid is also responsible for controlling heart, muscle, and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Thyroid hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), are in constant circulation throughout your body and are regulated by a special thyroid-brain feedback loop (hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid feedback loop). This keeps hormone levels in your blood stable and at the correct level.
Thyroid Imbalances
What causes thyroid imbalances or disease?
The Conventional Approach To Treating Thyroid Issues
Worldwide over 200 million people have some type of thyroid disease and it’s on the rise. While everyone is susceptible to thyroid disease, women are 7 times more likely to have issues with thyroid imbalances.
The conventional approach to thyroid health is not preventative. While most conventional practitioners will test for thyroid health using a blood test, this is only part of the equation when it comes to protecting your thyroid. If the case of hypothyroidism and lack of sufficient thyroid hormones, hormone replacement which may be needed. However, replacing hormones is a delicate balance. Most traditionally-trained clinicians will use synthetic hormone replacement therapies such as thyroid medications that can actually bring on more unwanted side effects and not give you the proper balance you need. There is also no way to test if you have the correct amount of hormone when using synthetics which is why many people deal with so many symptoms.
In addition, the conventional treatment approach does not test or look at the other factors that cause thyroid imbalances, like heavy metal and gut issues, which is why you may have hormones issues in the first place.

The Functional Medicine Approach To Thyroid Health
What we’ve realized, through current medical studies and advanced medical testing, is that environmental toxins and gut health hugely impact thyroid health. This is why we work with clients in our programs to do proper liver detox, make smarter, less toxic food choices, and upgrade other lifestyle choices to decrease their toxic load. If hormone replacement is needed, we look at bio-identical hormone replacement that is better adapted in the body and can be tested with blood work to ensure correct dosage.
Environmental toxins and toxins in our food are incredibly harmful for your thyroid, and they have greatly increased over the past three years. Heavy metals, which have made their way into our food and seafood, can damage delicate gland tissues and cause your thyroid to malfunction. One problematic heavy metal, mercury, that was extracted from the earth during the industrial age to produce felt and mirrors, is now in high quantities in our oceans. Mercury is also found in high quantities in fish, especially large fish like tuna who eat smaller fish and accumulate it in their tissues. Regular consumption of these foods (more than once monthly) can cause heavy metal build-up in your body.
Gluten is an inflammatory protein molecule that can be found in wheat, barley, rye, and the grains. This can inflame thyroid tissues, especially if you have a gluten sensitivity or genetic markets for gluten sensitivity. More than 18 million Americans are currently suffering from some form of gluten sensitivity and many people have an undiagnosed sensitivity.
We are exposed to many more man-made chemicals (so-called xenobiotics) today – present in medications, beauty products, cleaning supplies. There are byproducts of industrialization like pesticides from farming, PCPs, plastics, synthetic perfumes, lignin, and more. Xenoestrogens, which are man-made estrogen-like compounds, are especially harmful for your hormone and thyroid health. They were created to make plastic supple, like plastic wrap, plastic water bottles, and plastic food containers. While this is great for the practicalities of food storage, it’s awful for your hormone health as these containers laced with “fake estrogen” leech into our food and get into our bodies.
These toxins accumulate inside your body, literally getting stuck in your tissues, ultimately triggering more serious disorders that affect hormone balance, digestion, joint health, and proper liver function.
That’s why Dr. Angela follows a functional medicine approach to identify what factors that can compromise your thyroid health, which are many times the same factors that can harm your thyroid health as well. Together, we can create a custom-tailored protocol to address all the issues that are causing thyroid issues, instead of immediately using hormone replacement meds.
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Journey With Me
Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. Our client coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Ilera Precision Wellness is right for you.
Take The First Step On Your
Journey With Me
Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. Our client coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Ilera Precision Wellness is right for you.
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74-923 HWY 111 #238 Indian Wells,
CA 92210
Phone: 907.302.3855