Chronic Fatigue
The Facts About CFS
According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), an estimated 836,000 to 2.5 million Americans suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome – but there’s likely an even larger pool of people that simply have not been diagnosed with CFS.
The hallmark sign of chronic fatigue involves extreme tiredness that can occur following even light movement or exercise. Other symptoms include loss of memory or concentration, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes in your neck or armpits, unexplained muscle or joint pain, headaches, and unrestful sleep.
While the exact cause of CFS is unknown, a viral infection may be responsible. Preliminary research suggests herpes infection, for example, may trigger CFS.
Other risk factors include extreme stress or anxiety, flu-like illness that does not completely go away, poor eating habits, and psychological conditions, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, neuroticism, and perfectionism. Depression can make the condition worse and make it last longer.
The conventional approach to treating chronic fatigue is typically focused on the emotional and mindset spectrum of treatment, which is just part of the approach needed. Chronic fatigue typically has a host of serious biological imbalances that need addressing too.
Many times there are gut issues at play – like gut dysbiosis such as SIBO, leaky gut, and/or Candida overgrowth. A poor diet, a stealth infection, an undiagnosed food allergy, hormone imbalances, or exposure to environmental toxins are other potential causes for chronic fatigue.

The Functional Medicine Approach
When it comes to chronic fatigue syndrome, it’s important to work with a functional medicine practitioner who can not only help with the mindset/emotional component, but also runs the correct testing to determine if gut disorders, food allergies or other imbalances are to blame for your chronic fatigue symptoms.
At Ilera Precision Wellness, our team takes a holistic approach to any chronic disorder – including chronic fatigue. In fact, it’s less about the official label (being diagnosed with CFS), and more about investigating the “why.”
Once we do the correct testing, we craft a precise treatment plan unique to your needs that includes all the treatments you need to finally leave your chronic fatigue behind!
If you have been experiencing symptoms relating to chronic fatigue and are looking for answers, schedule an appointment with Ilera Precision Wellness today!
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Perhaps you have questions you’d like to ask before you make a decision to become a client. Our client coordinator is standing by, happy to answer any questions you have to determine if Ilera Precision Wellness is right for you.
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74-923 HWY 111 #238 Indian Wells,
CA 92210
Phone: 907.302.3855