Can menopause symptoms be safely comforted with bio-identical hormones?
Recent research suggests that menopause can be treated with bio-identical hormones, a natural replacement for a woman’s body, with no reported side effects.
In the past, menopause has been treated like a disease – primarily with Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) including Premarin, which is made from pregnant mare’s urine, Prempro and Provera – which meant ingesting synthetic chemicals on a regular basis. Now we know that these drugs are causing the very problems we’re trying to avoid including breast cancer and heart attacks.
Bio-identical means the hormone molecule in the product. For example, progesterone cream, acts exactly like the molecules produced by the female body. They function in your body in a natural and normal way unlike synthetic chemicals. A “natural hormone” is really a compound synthesized in the lab from a natural source (such as soybeans used for estrogens and testosterone; or wild Mexican yam in the case of progesterone and sometimes testosterone).
Synthetic hormones are typically only available in oral form, but bio-identical hormones come in a variety of delivery systems such as oral, transdermal patch, cream, lotion or sublingual drops.
Typically a successful approach to dealing with a woman’s menopausal symptoms is to begin with laboratory tests of hormone levels called a “hormone panel.” The doctor can then prescribe a precise dosage of bio-identical estrogens, testosterone or DHEA that can be made for you at a Compounding Pharmacy This is contrary to HRT treatments that are typically “one size fits all.”
Most doctors prescribing bio-identical hormones find that a large percentage of women find some relief by using medical-grade supplements, over-the-counter bio-identical progesterone, and dietary and lifestyle changes (including the proper nutrition and exercise). And, for the percentage of women who need a little more help, most doctors don’t support the idea that bio-identical hormones should be used indefinitely as some kind of fountain of youth.
Is it right for you to treat your menopause with bio-identical hormones? First you need to Consult with a Doctor to get the right answer for you. Once you know what you need, your doctor and you can work out the best alternative for your body.